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How much money do you need to earn to be happy

How much money do you need to earn to be happy

Let’s move and buy happiness wherever it is available. No matter how long we have to go. We are ready to travel. No matter how much money do we need. We will collect to be happy.

We wish we could do that!!!

Happiness is a feeling. It’s intangible, which can’t be purchased and exchanged with tangible products. Our minds are habituated to stay in negativity. Our materialistic desire is infinite. The biggest problem is comparison. We compare our financial position with our relatives, friends, and neighbours.

Here is the problem… . Stop comparing yourself with others. If you compare your financial position then why not compare love, affection, kindness, generosity, humbleness.

Our life is moving around tangible and intangible products. Home, car, gazettes; all are tangible goods which can be bought or sold. Intangible products are blessings, wisdom, knowledge, education, happiness. We can feel it, but can’t be sold and purchased.

But our complication is that we give priority to the tangible goods and always think, it makes us happy. We need to change the view. Give priority to the intangible products. Count your days on blessings, not money. Humanity is invaluable, it comes first.

We have to spread love and affection, give more and expect less. Real happiness and blessings come from our good deeds. We have been listening same thoughts in church, temple or mosque but forget it. We need to plunge into this thought.


……How do we describe: Will you have a good day or a bad day?


If we get a gift, salary hike, promotion. We think it is a good day. Another way, if our holiday leaves don’t get approved. We don’t get a job promotion. Suddenly we get unwell. Then we correlate all these incidents as a bad day. Here our calculation of good and bad days is incorrect.

We should count how many blessings we got today. With how many people we shared good words. Count your generosity and calculate your day with good works, not earnings. Slowly, you understand how your perspective on life is changing.


God has nothing to do with money. We have to make our life count for God by good or bad karma. When people die; we discuss their friendly behaviour, humorous nature, soft spoken words. We acknowledge them good due to their intangible services not because they were rich.

We are used to say, if we have had more money, we could be worry-free. Do we get a bigger smile on the face of rich people who travels in a big car, having a big farm house. Not at all, reach people is having more tension, depression, sleepless nights than poor.


……….. The more you chase the money, the more tension you get. Whoever loves money never has enough.  

It is our illusion that materialistic stuff can bring smile on our face. The only slogan of happiness is live life to its fullest. Enjoy, laugh, and dance at this current moment. The past is gone, and the future is the product of our present thinking and actions. The only time that exists is now, the present moment and it makes the root of the future. Keep blind faith in good karma, follow the path of goodwill. Live your life, like it is the last moment.


Life is uncertain and it may end anytime without giving any pre-information. In this uncertainty, you should not lose the charm of living life every moment. What is happening good or bad feel it, flow with it and enjoy. The need can be fulfilled, but greed never ends.

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one. –Benjamin Franklin

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