Monthly Archives: May 2015

How To Live A Healthy Happy Life: 5 Simple Steps To Take Today

Living your life healthy and happily is not so difficult. We need to change our attitude towards our life and make some rules for it. In a 9 to 6 private job we tend to be in strict discipline and follow our routine. However, when it comes to our personal life, we become a looser and forget all the disciplines. I am unable to understand, why this dual standards?

Today, in 21st century chronic diseases are spreading much faster than number of hospitals and doctors. There are many diseases which are still incurable like heart problem, diabetes, liver problem etc. Medical science has not found any solution yet.

Earlier, persons of elder age and above 50 were prone to these chronic ailments, but now even children and younger persons are falling victim. In today’s world, we are very much money centric and our only goal is to earn more and more money . In this process we ignore our health which is most vital for us. Yes, I also agree that money is very important to make our life comfortable, but it’s not more important than our health.


Ignoring your health may cost you everything that you can never get back. In short term, you will not see any significant difference but, after some years it will start reflecting in your life with lots of bad effects. “Health is Wealth”. This proverb is still relevant. If a person is healthy, he can do anything, achieve anything and keep him and his family happy. 

If you want healthy and happy life, you should make a daily routine. You should spare some time for your health and fitness. These are very simple steps following which will give you a healthy body and peaceful mind.

fun time


1.Wake up early morning:

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. Yes you should follow these lines. Go to the bed early night and leave your bed early in the morning. First time When you wake up early in the morning  you may feel lazy, but when it will form a habit, you start feeling very fresh.

Waking up between 5 to 6 A.M in the morning gives you 2 more hours in your schedule. You can follow your hobbies in the morning time, which you couldn’t follow otherwise. Start your day with small prayer, be thankful to your God for whatever he has provided you so far. And then, make a “to do” list for your day’s work.

Wake up Sid


2.Morning walk:

You should go to morning walk every morning. It balances blood circulation in body and it makes you fit and healthy. You will be less prone to diseases. This habit is a security guard and it protects our body from external threats.

The breeze in the morning is very calm and pure so when you get up early and breathe, you inhale fresh and clean air. It leaves very positive effects on your lungs and your heart. If you have any problem or any disease like, – Heart problem, Diabetes, Body pain and Joint pain etc. and you go for the treatment, the first advise doctor gives you is to do morning walk. If we have to start walking after getting unwell, why not start it today?



3.Drink water with honey:

After morning walk you should drink a glass of warm water with one big tsp. honey. It is very beneficial for your health. It reduces cholesterol and prevents fat to increase.

Benefits of honey are very well known. Even Chinese and Japanese people are now start using honey in their day to day life. Taking water with honey on empty stomach works as a cleanser which cleans our body of harmful toxins. Additionally, It honey gives a small boost of energy to us in morning time. That prevents us from resorting to fries and snacks to feed our hunger. I’ve been taking this since last 10 years and can see its direct benefits.



4.Yoga and Meditation:

I never miss yoga and exercise in my daily routine. Physical and mental both exercises are important for maintaining our health. If you are doing Yoga and meditation, you will never fall sick.

It makes body and mind more active. It improves blood circulation and reduces cholesterol. Meditation controls your mental pressure and your depression. Meditation makes you mentally and physically healthy and fit.




5.Limit the intake of tea and coffee:

Limit your tea, coffee and alcohol consumption. Tea and coffee have caffeine in them. Taking tea/coffee in empty stomach may stimulate acid creation and give you acidity problem.

Along with that tea causes dehydration in your body if you don’t take enough water intake, it will further complicate the issues. In worst case tea or coffee may cause Ulcer too. So, try to avoid tea/coffee as much as possible.

Alcohol affects very negatively on your liver. Although, some researches shows very mild good effects of Alcohol, but bad effects of Alcohol outweigh good effects. It may weaken your liver and digestive system. It affects your reproductive system also. Despite that, if you want to take alcohol occasionally, I would prefer ‘Red wine’.


Side effects of Coffee


Do you think, these habits are very hard to follow? No, I don’t think so.

Start following these from today itself, procrastination will make the things much harder. If I can do this, you can also.

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